The Company has implemented Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) longtime ago as term of CSR become familiar in Indonesia. The Company records its involvement in the Perkebunan Inti Rakyat (PIR) program that was established by the government to support of the transmigration program in order to achieve equal development in Indonesia in period of 80s and 90s. PT Sari Lembah Subur, PT Sari Aditya Loka and PT Suryaraya Lestari are subsidiaries that became partners to the government on the implementation of PIR program. This program become a milestone to the development of the Company as one of the major producers of palm oil in Indonesia by today.
From the beginning, The Company has always involved the local communities in its business process, to become the suppliers of goods and services due to the Requirement on Plantation strategic. This policy provide business and employment opportunities for communities in the Company’s operational areas, and drives the local economy, as well as building positive emotional ties with communities based on common interests and mutual needs.
Motivation is an important factor in the implementation of CSR and determines the dimensions and orientation of CSR programs implemented. The motivation of an organization in carrying out CSR can be known from the form of the implemented program, the size of the organization and the competence of personnel implementing the program, the budget provided for the implementation of the program, the support and participation of the community, and the results of the impact of the implementation of the program have been applied based on stakeholder and/or appraisal agencies. There are various incentives to encourage companies in Indonesia to implement CSR such as: security, image, appreciation / praise, regulatory fulfillment etc.
The Company implements CSR by referring to ASTRA’s goals:
“Prosper with the Nation”
based on the Catur Dharma Astra philosophy:
- To be a beneficial asset to the nation and the country;
- To provide the best service to customers;
- To respect individuals and build teamwork;
- To continually strive for excellence.
The CSR implementation has been integrated with the Company’s operations under a mission:
“Become a role model and contribute to Nation’s development and prosperity”
in order to materialize a vision:
“Become the most Productive and Most Innovative Agrobusiness Company in the World”.
The Company implemented CSR by referring to the Astra group’s policy prioritizing four sectors, namely: Education, Health, Economy, and Environment. CSR programs are directed and designed to assist communities in meeting their needs or solving their existing problems by encouraging their own initiatives as possible as they can and by making use of available resources. The objective is to achieve self-reliance in order the communities to be self-help and not relying on other parties.