Astra Agro is committed to identifying and monitoring all sources of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in all operational activities. In its implementation, we developed a GHG calculation method by referring to the GHG Protocol Standard, ISPO GHG calculator, ISCC guidelines, and inputs from relevant experts. We implement this method in all subsidiaries so that GHG emissions can be monitored periodically.
The Company has conducted a comprehensive study to develop strategies and targets for reducing GHG emissions in order to mitigate the impact of the emissions and gradually reduce emission levels while increasing sources that can offset the resulting emissions. This activity is also an effort to contribute to achieving Indonesia’s NDC (Nationally Determined Contribution) target in 2030 and the 2060 net zero emission target. In an effort to reduce GHG emissions, the Company has also developed a strategy which is outlined in one of the 5-Years Sustainability Action Plan sections. The Company has set 2019 as the baseline year for determining the reduction program to be implemented. We have set a goal of lowering emissions from business as usual by 30% by 2030.
The Company strives to reduce GHG emissions by implementing best management practices and efficient use of resources by taking into account environmental and economic feasibility. The Company has made several efforts to reduce GHG emissions programs through (1) Fertilizer reduction in riparian rehabilitation areas, (2) Liquid waste utilization for Land Application, (3) Use of Biodiesel (B30) in operational activities, (4) Substitution of coal with palm shells (at the refinery), (5) POME emissions reduction with methane capture facilities, and (6) Tree planting & reforestation activities to increase carbon sequestration.