Building Brighter Tomorrows: Astra Agro Lestari’s Commitment to Supporting Vulnerable Communities in Central Kalimantan

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PT LTT Astra Agro Elementary School Students Represent Central Sulawesi in the National Student Literature Competition in Jakarta

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“Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Astra Agro Group’s Efforts to Alleviate Poverty in Aceh”

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Building the Future: Kayan Dayak Youth Drives Village Transformation with Astra Agro Support

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PT Pasangkayu Supports Bunggu Tribe’s Academic Success with Exam Prep Program

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Building a Greener Future: PT PLB’s Commitment to Advancing Sustainability Education

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The Key Steps To Implement a Sustainable and Innovative Program in Palm Oil Industry

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The Rise of Entok Coconut Cultivation: A Symbol of Hope for Sustainability and The Prosperity of Community

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Astra Agro Receives Sustainable Business Integrity Index Award For Its Anti-Corruption Initiatives

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PT SLS Provides Support for Sanjaya Tani Farmers Group to Develop Organic Farming System

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Astra Agro Subsidiary Serves as Catalyst For Collaboration Between Locally Owned Businesses And Suku Anak Dalam Tribe

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Astra Agro Collaborates with micro, small, and medium enterprises (MSMEs) to promote the traditional rattan weaving of the Dayak Tomun community.

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Preventing forest fire through routine inspections of plantation fire control facilities and infrastructures

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