JAKARTA, SAWIT INDONESIA – The Indonesian Palm Oil Producers Association (Gapki) issued an appeal to palm oil mills not to buy looted or stolen palm oil. The letter, issued on November 29, 2023, contained two points and was signed by General Chairman Eddy Martono and General Secretary M. Hadi Sugeng. The letter first emphasized that all palm oil plantation companies that have fulfilled the 20% Community Plantation Development Facilitation (FPKM 20%) as stipulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture No. 18 of 2021 concerning Facilitation of the Development of Neighboring Community Plantations and Circular Letter of the Director General of Plantation Number: B-347/KB.410/E/07/2023.
FPKM, which is addressed to Governors throughout Indonesia, regents and mayors throughout Indonesia, should continue to be socialized to the wider community, especially to community leaders. For companies that have not fulfilled these obligations, to immediately fulfill the 20% FPKM obligation in accordance with government regulations with consideration of the needs of the agreement with the surrounding community. Secondly, to oil palm plantation companies that are members of Gapki and those that are not yet members of Gapki that have Palm Oil Mills (PKS) not to accept or buy directly or through collectors or cading ramp FFBs that come from theft or reward.
This will not only be a criminal matter, but will also increase the incidence of theft and looting and damage the existing partnership arrangements. Meanwhile, Gapki Central Kalimantan Deputy Chairperson Siswanto supported this and firmly asked his members and non-members who own palm oil mills (PKS) not to accept or buy fresh fruit bunches (FFB) that came from theft.
“We emphasize for Gapki members or those who are not yet members who have palm oil mills to buy FFB from theft that is not clear or the results of looting,” Siswanto said, Meanwhile, Kotim Police Chief, AKBP Sarpani said that it is not justified to accept / accommodate palm fruit that comes from criminal acts.
According to him, the purchase of looted palm fruit can be charged with Article 480-1 of the Criminal Code which states that carrying out certain actions, including selling and buying, of goods that are known or reasonably suspected of originating from criminal acts, is categorized as a crime of smuggling. “We will strictly follow up every report in violation of the law. Regarding the appeal from Gapki, it is in accordance with the rules,” he explained.
Source: https://sawitindonesia.com/
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