Jakarta — Indonesia is still the world’s largest palm oil producer, with Crude Palm Oil (CPO) production reaching 45.5 million metric tons (MT) per year. The palm oil industry is essential in improving the welfare of independent palm oil farmers and increasing the country’s foreign exchange earnings.
Furthermore, the palm oil industry is able to absorb millions of workers, and this industry chain can support tens of millions of people.
“To drive the wheels of the national palm oil industry, competent Human Resources (HR) are needed in this field. The Ministry of Industry also continues to produce prospective industrial human resources in the palm oil sector through industrial vocational education units,” Industry Minister Agus Gumiwang Kartasasmita said when opening an online Palm Oil Seminar with the theme “Golden Generation Palm: Building a Sustainable Future” at ATI Polytechnic Padang, Tuesday (21/5).
The palm oil downstream industry development program has been mandated in Presidential Regulation No. 74 of 2022 on the National Industrial Policy, which is directed at strengthening the production of functional/nutritious food, various non-food downstream products, and palm oil-based biofuels. According to the Minister of Industry, developing human resources in the palm oil industry is an effort to realize the goal of downstream the commodity, namely inclusive and sustainable economic growth.
During the seminar, the Head of the Industrial Human Resources Development Agency (BPSDMI), Masrokhan, said that solid industrial vocational education can create competent industrial human resources to strengthen a resilient and globally competitive national industry.
“The palm oil processing industry is one of the sectors that has a very significant role in pursuing the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction target of 31.89% by 2030, according to the Enhanced NDC (E-NDC) document. Through this seminar, we have the opportunity to hear from experts, practitioners, and other stakeholders, who will share knowledge, experiences, and innovative solutions to face various challenges in the development of the palm oil industry, ranging from technological issues, human resources, environmental, social and other important aspects,” Masrokhan continued.
Therefore, Masrokhan hopes the palm oil seminar can provide valuable insights and new inspiration related to the palm oil industry. “Furthermore, let us together make the palm oil industry an example of success in maintaining a balance between economy, environment, and social,” he hoped.
Organization of IVF Regional Sumatra
The Palm Oil Seminar held at Politeknik ATI Padang is one of the activities in the series of Industrial Vocational Fair (IVF) Regional Sumatra events. This time, IVF involves the Ministry of Industry’s educational units in Sumatra in various activities such as seminars, exhibitions, and job fairs. The implementation of IVF in the Sumatra region also coincides with the 50th anniversary of ATI Polytechnic Padang, one of the Ministry of Industry campuses specializing in the agro-industry and has produced competent human resources.
In the Sumatra region, there are several Ministry of Industry education units, including ATI Polytechnic Padang, PTKI Medan, SMK-SMTI Aceh, SMK-SMAK Padang, SMK-SMTI Padang, and SMK-SMTI Bandar Lampung. In the IVF series, BPSDMI Kemenperin also introduced registration to Kemenperin schools and polytechnics through the Industrial Vocational Admission Pathway (JARVIS) in 2024. Prospective students can simultaneously apply to the Ministry of Industry’s schools and campuses on the jarvis.kemenperin.go.id portal. (Viozzy)
Source: Merdekanews.co
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