Inclusive Palm Oil Plantation Begins with Empowered Mothers

To create an inclusive environment on palm oil plantations, supporting facilities are essential, particularly for mothers who work or live nearby. A key feature of the facility is a daycare center specifically designed for the children of employees. The daycare facilities across Astra Agro’s subsidiaries are well-equipped with various amenities, including a playroom filled with…

PT LTT Astra Agro Elementary School Students Represent Central Sulawesi in the National Student Literature Competition in Jakarta

PT Lestari Tani Teladan (PT LTT) celebrated a significant achievement by qualifying as a finalist in the national student literature competition (LS2N). Syafiya Ramadhani Kaleb, an outstanding student from SD PT LTT, excelled in the elementary-level storywriting category. She successfully passed the provincial preliminary round and represented Central Sulawesi Province in the finals, which took…