Inclusive Palm Oil Plantation Begins with Empowered Mothers

To create an inclusive environment on palm oil plantations, supporting facilities are essential, particularly for mothers who work or live nearby. A key feature of the facility is a daycare center specifically designed for the children of employees. The daycare facilities across Astra Agro’s subsidiaries are well-equipped with various amenities, including a playroom filled with…

PT LTT Astra Agro Elementary School Students Represent Central Sulawesi in the National Student Literature Competition in Jakarta

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“Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Astra Agro Group’s Efforts to Alleviate Poverty in Aceh”

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Building the Future: Kayan Dayak Youth Drives Village Transformation with Astra Agro Support

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PT Pasangkayu Supports Bunggu Tribe’s Academic Success with Exam Prep Program

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Green Pest Management Techniques in Oil Palm Agriculture

In the agribusiness sector, pests present a significant challenge. Plantation companies often resort to using pesticides to manage these pests. However, in alignment with sustainability principles and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), businesses must ensure that their operations do not harm the environment. To address pest threats, Astra Agro Lestari employs environmentally friendly methods, opting…

Building a Greener Future: PT PLB’s Commitment to Advancing Sustainability Education

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The Key Steps To Implement a Sustainable and Innovative Program in Palm Oil Industry

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The Rise of Entok Coconut Cultivation: A Symbol of Hope for Sustainability and The Prosperity of Community

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Astra Agro Receives Sustainable Business Integrity Index Award For Its Anti-Corruption Initiatives

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PT ANA’s Green Innovation: Facing the Energy Crisis by Transforming Plastic Waste into Renewable Energy

Plastic waste has become one of the most significant global environmental issues today. The excessive amount of discarded single-use plastics fills up various locations, and plastic can take up to 1,000 years to decompose. This long decomposition time can lead to serious environmental damage, including soil pollution and threats to marine life. Addressing this issue…

PT SLS Provides Support for Sanjaya Tani Farmers Group to Develop Organic Farming System

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Empowering Small Businesses to E-commerce in Oil Palm Plantations: The Journey of Astra Agro’s community group in fostering local businesses.

In the era of social media, sales patterns are gradually shifting from offline to online. This transition presents a significant opportunity for local businesses, as promoting their products has become more manageable and their reach has expanded. One group of local businesses taking advantage of this change is PT Perkebunan Lembah Bhakti (PT PLB), a…

Astra Agro Subsidiary Serves as Catalyst For Collaboration Between Locally Owned Businesses And Suku Anak Dalam Tribe

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