Astra Agro Lestari Subsidiary in Central Kalimantan Shares Parenting Knowledge to The Community

PT GSIP-AMR (Astra Agro Lestari Group) focuses on community development and empowerment, aiming to enhance the quality of human resources beginning at the grassroots level. One of the key initiatives involved is the coaching of Posyandu (integrated service posts), as these programs actively engage mothers in the community. Their role is crucial in shaping and…

To Make Suku Anak Dalam Independent, Astra Agro Lestari Group Subsidiary Supports Fragrant Lemongrass Cultivation

It is common knowledge that some Suku Anak Dalam (SAD) have come out of the forest to start farming or cultivating. This is a challenge in itself, given the SAD’s nomadic lifestyle and dependence on forest products. Astra Agro Lestari Group’s subsidiary, PT Sari Aditya Loka (SAL), tries to help by providing knowledge about cultivation…

Improving Health, Astra Agro Holds a Program and Brings a Doctor to the Elderly of Madoro Transmigration Hamlet

North Singkil Sub-district, Aceh Singkil, is living proof that food security can be realized with a creative and sustainable approach. POSO – Playing an important role in the progress and development of Poso Regency, PT Sawit Jaya Abadi (PT SJA), an oil palm plantation company of the Astra Agro Lestari group, realizes that its role…

Astra Agro Lestari Innovates Sustainable Pest Management, Improving Palm Oil Productivity

The palm oil industry continuously adopts sustainable practices in conducting plantation business to align with the Sustainability Development Goals program. One way to do this is by reducing pesticides, as Astra Agro Lestari Group practices. The Company controls pests by reducing the use of pesticides. As is known, insect pests in the garden can have…

Astra Agro’s Biofloc Catfish Farming in Aceh Singkil Prevents Stunting

North Singkil Sub-district, Aceh Singkil, is living proof that food security can be realized with a creative and sustainable approach. Through catfish farming based on biofloc technology, this village not only ensures food availability, but also contributes to the prevention of stunting for infants and toddlers. The program was initiated by Rahman Dwi Rizky, Secretary…

Commemorating the 60th National Health Day, AALI’s Subsidiary in PPU Assists Posyandu Equipment

Commemorating the 60th National Health Day (HKN), PT Waru Kaltim Plantation (WKP), a subsidiary of PT Astra Agro Lestari Tbk (AALI), handed over equipment to Posyandu Bukit Tinggi in Bangun Mulya Village, Waru District, PPU, Thursday (14/11). The donation in the form of digital scales, plastic chairs, and garbage cans aims to support health services…

AALI and PPU Government Collaborate to Improve Hydrometeorological Disaster Preparedness

PT Sukses Tani Nusasubur (STN) and PT Waru Kaltim Plantation (WKP), part of Astra Agro Lestari (AALI), collaborated with the Government of Penajam Paser Utara (PPU) Regency in “Apel Gelar Pasukan dan Peralatan dan Simulasi Menghadap Bencana Hydrometeorology,” Wednesday (13/11). The activity, which was held at the PPU Regent’s Office field, aimed to increase synergy…

Tempo and IDN recognized Astra Agro for its efforts in reducing pesticide usage.

The palm oil industry increasingly adopts sustainable practices to align with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). One notable approach taken by Astra Agro Lestari Group is the reduction of pesticide use. The company actively manages pests by minimizing pesticide application. Insect pests in plantations can lead to significant issues, including reduced productivity and crop damage.…

Education and Hope: Pauzan’s Journey As the Trailblazer in Education Among the Anak Dalam Tribe

As a member of the Anak Dalam tribe, Pauzan has experienced several challenges in getting an education. Besides limited facilities, the perception among Suku Anak Dalam about education still tends to be unfavourable. Therefore, Pauzan’s journey through education was not smooth.  At first, he thought he would only be part of the unemployed youth just…

School in The Forest: PT Pasangakyu’s Effort in Improving the Life of the Bunggu Tribe Through Education

A girl in a light blue uniform eagerly raises her hand when the teacher asks her to solve an arithmetic problem on the blackboard. Based on her appearance, she looks old enough to be in the 6th grade of elementary or junior high school. However, she is still learning the curriculum typically covered in the…

From Blacksmith to Entrepreneur Extraordinaire: Gani’s Journey and the IGA Program’s Impact on His Success

In a vast oil palm plantation, the blacksmith profession is the least job that we expected to find. This profession, which is synonymous with legends and historical stories such as the story of Mpu Gandhring’s Keris, is rarely found in the current Indonesian society. However, if we walk down the streets around Saruddu Village, Sulawesi,…

PT STN Provided Early Detection Program for Cervical Cancer with Babulu Health Center

Uterine and cervical cancer remain leading causes of death among women in Indonesia. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), more than 270,000 deaths occur annually due to this type of cancer, with over 85% of cases occurring in developing countries, including Indonesia. Recognizing the importance of prevention and early detection, various organizations are intensifying…

PT STN Commitment In Protecting the Environment Through Conservation Area Management

Conservation involves maintaining and preserving natural resources and the environment to ensure sustainability. In a broader context, it encompasses all actions aimed at preserving biodiversity, protecting ecosystems, preventing environmental damage, and promoting responsible resource use. In Indonesia, conservation is crucial for maintaining the country’s rich natural resources, including its biodiversity and the unique ecosystems found…