Astra Agro is committed to aligning with an international sustainability platform that requires high conservation value (HCV) assessment to allow better management of oil palm plantations that consider sustaining the ecosystem. This commitment is outlined in Astra Agro’s Sustainability Policy and targeted within a five-year action plan.
To conduct the HCV assessment, Astra Agro is engaging with several independent institutions including PILI (Pusat Informasi Lingkungan Indonesia), Eco Nusantara, and Daemeter consulting. HCV assessment activities have made significant strides by the end of Q4 2024. We successfully completed assessments for eight subsidiaries, surpassing the 2024 target of six subsidiaries. This brings the total number of completed HCV assessments to 20 subsidiaries since 2021. Additionally, eight subsidiaries have entered the Pre-Assessment stage, increasing the total to 13 subsidiaries, while one subsidiary that was previously in the Scoping Study phase has now advanced to the Full Assessment stage. For a detailed breakdown of our 2024 HCV assessment progress, please refer to the table below.