Petani memiliki peranan penting sebagai bagian dari basis pemasok pabrik Astra Agro dan merupakan pemangku kepentingan yang penting dalam strategi implementasi Kebijakan Keberlanjutan Astra Agro.
Petani dalam Rantai Pasok

Sejak dulu kami telah membangun hubungan baik dengan para petani pemasok TBS yang terdiri dari petani asosiasi (plasma dan KKPA) dan petani swadaya melalui program kemitraan. Kemitraan menjadi bagian penting dalam proses bisnis karena kami bermitra dengan petani dalam jumlah dan luasan lahan yang cukup besar. Hal tersebut mendorong perusahaan untuk semakin berinovasi dan meningkatkan program-program kemitraan ke depannya agar kehadiran perusahaan perkebunan kelapa sawit memberikan manfaat untuk pertumbuhan ekonomi bagi masyarakat sekitar dan lingkungan yang berkelanjutan.
Program-program kemitraan yang dibangun bersama masyarakat di antaranya adalah:

Smallholders provide a sizable supply of Fresh Fruit Bunches (FFB) for Astra Agro’s mills and therefore play a critical role in business continuity and implementing the Sustainability Policy in the supply chain. We always maintain good relationships and strive to help partner smallholders improve their plantation management practices to achieve optimal production results aligned with sustainability aspects. To date, we have partnered with more than 53,000 FFB-supplying smallholders, including associated and independent smallholders.
Smallholder Supplier Support Program
We have developed coaching and mentoring programs and a facility that are tailored to smallholders’ needs based on their culture, region, and basic knowledge.
The support programs implemented in general include three stages, namely (1) Program introduction and needs analysis, (2) Implementation of operational coaching and mentoring programs, and (3) ISPO coaching and mentoring.

Program introduction and the needs analysis
- The Introduction of partnership program and socialization of fruit acceptance criteria in the aspect of sustainability.
- The identification and analysis of smallholders’ needs based on their knowledge capacity on operational and sustainable aspects

The Implementation of mentoring and coaching programs
- Capacity building through training materials covering oil palm cultivation techniques (agronomy), institutional formation and development, OHS aspects, and cooperative financial management.
- Support programs included (1) fertilizer procurement and financing (2) FFB transportation and infrastructure improvement (3) Procurement of oil palm seeds and seedlings (4) Procurement and financing of herbicides and other assistance programs.

ISPO coaching and mentoring
- Guidance and assistance for ISPO certification include scooping, internal and external assessments