Astra Agro recognizes that workers are important assets as drivers of business activities to achieve the Company’s goals and aspirations. We always recognize and respect the workers’ rights in accordance with Indonesian laws and regulations and in line with the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights. In its implementation, policies related to workers’ rights and obligations are stated in Company Regulations (PP) and Employment Agreements (PKB) between the Company and workers’ representatives through labor unions. In addition, the PKB and PP also regulate working conditions, Company’s rules, and disciplinary aspects. Policies related to workers’ rights have been socialized to workers throughout the Astra Agro group. We have also conveyed these policies and principles to companies involved in our supply chain as part of the Company’s responsibility to its supply chains.
Employee Remuneration and Benefits
We are committed to ensuring all employees earn a living wage commensurate with their work. In addition, to support a productive work climate, we also provide other additional benefits such as official houses, clean water, electricity, rice for employees on site, access to free education for employees’ children, and health services for workers, and their families through the provided clinic. The Company has also complied with government regulations by registering all workers with BPJS employment and health.
Against Forced Labor
We oppose all forms of forced labor and have never been involved in a case of forced labor practices. In forced labor practices, people perform work under the threat of sanction or punishment in which the worker has no freedom to agree on the execution of the work. Astra Agro has a system of regulating working hours, overtime mechanisms, and determining work targets to ensure no work is done by force. Furthermore, throughout the hiring process or employment contracts, we do not request the retention of any personal documents as collateral.
Freedom of Association
Freedom of association is a worker’s right that has been guaranteed by Astra Agro. Currently, workers across Astra Agro’s operations are registered in 52 labor unions. Astra Agro and the labor unions established the Bipartite Cooperation Institution (LKS Bipartit) in each subsidiary as a forum for communication and consultation between labor unions and the Company’s management on labor aspects. We also establish non-formal relationships with workers through Paguyuban. Further information regarding the Paguyuban is available here.
Rights and Protection of Female Workers
The Company guarantees every female worker the right to monthly menstrual leave, maternity leave, and parental leave. To secure the female workers’ protection from violence and sexual harassment, the Company has regulated the matter in the Employment Agreement. In 2022, the Company designed a female worker protection program in response to the Board of Directors Decree issued in 2021 (No.001/SK-DIR/HCS/AAL/2021) on Women’s Protection and Anti-discrimination. In ensuring that this policy is well implemented, there is a Gender Committee tasked with monitoring its implementation through the Occupational Safety, Health and Environment Committee (P2KL3). The Company initiated a women champion in each subsidiary as the lead representative of women workers. This aims to maintain the Company and its subsidiaries as a workplace free from discriminatory actions for all workers, protect female workers from sexual harassment and violence, and provide a forum for occupational safety and health protection for female employees.
Equal Opportunity
We employ workers from diverse educational backgrounds, ethnicity, religion, race, and gender to ensure no discrimination against all workers –male or female– when carrying out their operational activities or receiving rights following their duties and responsibilities. All workers also receive the same opportunity to self-develop through training and education programs organized by the Company.
Prohibition of Child Labor and Education Facilities for Employees’ Children
We are committed to preventing the emergence of workers under the age of 18 in all plantation areas, mills and other workplaces. The minimum age of 18 years is also set forth in the SOP concerning employee recruitment and selection with very strict enforcement.
All employees’ children living in and around the subsidiaries’ concession areas are facilitated with access to high-quality free education, ranging from Kindergarten to Secondary School in 60 schools built by the Company.
Astra Agro also provides preschool-aged children with access to education and care at 305 active Daycares (TPA), which are managed by more than 450 caregivers. The caregivers first receive training about childcare patterns so that children’s workers are well-taken care of according to their growth and development stages.
Decent and Healthy Workplace
The Company believes that healthy and comfortable workers at work will contribute positively to the expected productivity level. Therefore, the Company always strives and encourages all elements to improve the management of a safe and decent work environment for business continuity and employee welfare.
The Company’s commitment is outlined in the Environment, Safety and Occupational Health (LK3) Policy, which is compliance with applicable laws and regulations and is broadened by efforts to prevent harm/pollution in the spirit of continuous improvement.
Protection from Hazardous Chemicals
We always protect our employees, local communities and the environment from the risk of hazardous chemicals and encourage the conservation of oil palm plantation agroecosystems. Hazardous chemicals reduction is achieved through Integrated Pest Management by utilizing biological control agents and habitat management applied to control pests in the field. Hazardous chemical reduction is also carried out through the additional adjuvants, namely reducing the paraquat by adding Emulan LVA, which can reduce more than 50% of the paraquat dose used to control weeds.